Repetitive Stress Injuries or RSI
If you are a IT / ITES worker who predominantly spends most of the day sitting on a chair and working with a Computer or your work involves long repetitive movements, answer these simple questions.
Do you often feel your neck / shoulder/ elbow/ wrist hurts when you are working at office / home and eases off as soon as you stop working?
Do you ask your spouse/ friends to just do a press / massage on your neck or back because it just simply “feels good”, especially after work?
have you noticed a strange tingling pain travelling from your neck towards the arms and it’s really difficult to locate the exact position of the pain?
If you answer the above question with affirmation, beware!! A debilitating and potentially crippling condition called Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) may be knocking at your door.
What are RSI and WRMSDs?
The term Musculo-Skeletal Disorder is used to describe a number of conditions such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Myofascial pain Syndrome, Cubital Tunnel Syndrome, Double Crush Syndrome etc. Collectively these conditions are known as Repetitive Strain Injury or RSI.
RSI is also known as Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorder (WRMSD), Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD), Computer Related Injury (CRI), Work Related Upper Limb Disorder (WRULD), and Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS). Repetitive Strain Injury is a term similar to that of ‘sports injury’ in that it tells more about how the injury was sustained, rather than what the injury actually is.
Hundreds and Thousands of people around the globe suffers from some form of RSI. The problem is increasing principally through the intensive use of computers and other technology that involves large amounts of keyboarding, Mouse usage, Smartphone usage etc. Posture related health problems are also growing due to the sedentary nature of many jobs. New medical conditions like SMS thumb or Text neck are fast emerging in the young adult population group.
What are the symptoms of RSI?
- Pain in Fingers, Wrists, Forearm, Shoulders and Neck.
- Pain Often Starts at the end of the day, but in advanced stages of RSI, stays all day long.
- Tingling or “Pins and Needles” sensation on hands and forearm.
- Numbness or coldness of Hand and Forearm.
- Feeling of weakness on hands. Dropping things often and not able to grip properly.
- No pain in the morning or weekends but pain starts as soon as typing / computer work starts.
- Reduced productivity at work and psychological stress.
Those at Risk
- Computer/Laptop Users
- Dentists and Surgeons
- Assembly line workers
- Excessive Smartphone users/ heavy gamers
- Musicians
Major Risk Factors
- Prolonged repetitive, forceful, or awkward hand movements (Typing / Mouse clicks)
- “Static loading” or holding a posture
- Finger Gymnastics (pressing multiple keys on a keyboard simultaneously with a single hand)
- Poor conditioning of the heart and lungs, and poor muscle endurance
- Direct mechanical pressure on tissues (Keeping the wrist on the edge of the table)
- Cold work environment
- Poorly fitting furniture
- Basic inadequacies of workstation design
- Work organizational and psychosocial issues
OPTRA Care’s approach towards the treatment of WRMSDs and RSI:
Unlike other physical therapy centers where most of the time RSI does not get detected or diagnosed, simply because poor professional knowledge of the therapists on the same, our professionals are extensively trained on modern treatment procedure of WRMSD and RSI effectively which gives 100% positive results and recovery within stipulated time frame. The Diagnosis is made by using strict parameters e.g. physical tests and outcome measure which are internationally validated. An expert physician supervises the entire assessment and if any other medical tests / intervention are required, they are promptly advised to the patient.
RSI can be treated completely with a Skilled Hands on Manual Therapy Approach for Release of Muscle & fascia, along Joints, Nerves and other Soft tissue techniques. The effects of these techniques are evidence based and proven by researches. The multiphase treatment concept consists mainly 4 phases.
Extreme Discomfort Phase: Holistic Myotherapy (Trigger Point Therapy, MET PRT, INIT), Myo-fascial Release (MFR), Relaxation & Breathing technique and Stretching exercises.
Moderate Discomfort Phase: Myotherapy, Soft- tissue mobilization (TPT & MFR), Nerve glides & Joints Mobilization, Self- Stretching, Mild Discomfort: Stretching exercises, Progressive Strengthening Exercises, Postural Retraining, Body Mechanics and Ergonomics Training.
Low discomfort Phase: In this phase continue with self-stretching exercises, free exercises, Progressive Strengthening Exercises, Postural Retraining, Body Mechanics and Ergonomics Training.
Self Help Phase: Further Strength Training, Aerobic conditioning and Yoga Therapy.
“The potential for a quick and complete recovery is enhanced, if the patient seeks competent medical interventions like Specialized Manual Physical Therapy (Myotherapy) with Ergonomic Workplace Analysis at an early stage.”
If you are experiencing aches, tingling and numbness, especially on the upper limbs of the body and finding difficulty while holding your laptop, holding objects OR dropping things, STOP NOW. See a physician who can recognize RSI symptoms or simply call Us at our Helpline numbers, as we know how to address your problems and get you back to the pain free life, faster.
We treat almost all types and forms of RSI and WRMSDs with our unique multiphase, hollistic and interdisciplinary approach. Some of the most common conditions we see in day to day basis are as follows:
- Myofascial Pain Syndrome
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
- Fibromyalgia
- Text Neck
- SMS Thumb / Blackberry Thumb
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome / Compartmental Syndromes
- Double Crush Syndrome
- Upper / Lower Cross Syndromes
- Tennis Elbow